Christian Hudson's GITA 2 Webpage

Russian Misinformation

In this project, we made a webpage about the Russian spread of misinformation.

New Tech: Beehome

In this project, we made a webpage of information for a new technology.

Business Card

In this project, we made a phone-sized virtual business card for a company.


In this project, we made a collage of the many things that describe us.

Online Store

In this project, we made a webpage to sell items with discounts for our company.

Dice Game

In this project, we made a program that rolls dice and outputs the number of rolls and probability for the sum.

Craps Game

In this project, we made a program that runs the Vegas game Craps.

Circle Bounce

In this project, we made a small and big circle that bounce around a canvas with collision.


In this project, we made a small and big circle that bounce around a canvas with collision.

Xtreme Webpage

In this project, we made website that promotes computer science as an extreme sport.

Circle Bounce Upgrade

In this project, we made website that generated circles with varying size, color, and speed and get deleted by a moving rectangle.

Internet Project

In this project, we made website that promotes computer science as an extreme sport.


In this project, we made a submarine that slowly floats to the top and scares away the fish being eaten by a shark.

Number Array

In this project, we made an array that can generate and find odd, even, and specifically searched for numbers.

Space Invaders Upgrade

In this project, we made an upgrade for Space Invaders with AI-led invaders that chase in from all directions.

Polygon Empire 2

In this project, I made a game wher.

Hope You Enjoyed!

That's all of my programs for this year! Be sure you saw my main page and GITA 1 page, and thanks for looking at my work!


This is Christian Hudson's Gita 2 webpage. This is my second year in the program, and this year we are learning how to code using HTML with CSS styling and Javascript. Take a look at some of my programs

Contact BOHS at (714) 990-7547