On fake social media accounts, political posts were being spread in mass. These accounts were mainly targeting and attacking the political left. As seen above, some would take these posts about what certain candidates stood for and against, and threw them across these media platforms.
This was the work of Russian hackers attempting to interfere with the election. During the election, they were creating accounts on social media that were very political. By reposting and spreading articles that lean to a side, and posting and reposting them in mass,public opinion can sway. It's a poweful weapon when all of these accounts attack one group.
Fake accounts were being created on social media platforms. They were more believable than you would expect, so they're dangerous. But don't be fooled. There isn's some Russian hacker typing out these posts. Accounts were run by bots. They were only lines of code with programmed,posts and responses. The scripting was so thurough, however, that the operation remained unknown.