My name's Christian Hudson and I'm in 11th grade.
I'm a committed member of the robotics FRC Team 7157, Mubotics.
I'm also on the high school's track team, and I specialize in the 400m sprint.
In GITA this year, we are using P5js to learn javascript.
It has also had a heavy emphasis on creating games, which has been so much fun.
My Projects
Nameception (8/19)
The Name in a Name projects that I refer to as "Nameception" involved spelling out my name using versions of my name that are a smaller size and rotated as necessary
Holiday Card (8/25)
Holiday Card is made up of shapes used to create characters like Spangle
Landscape (8/29)
Landscape is an animation that portrays the historic fight between Spangle and BOLT.
How to Destroy A Planet (9/26)
This is a tutorial that teaches you how to, well, destroy a planet, similarly to how it was done in Landscape
Submarine Strife (10/18)
In Submarine Strife, you control the submarine with the mouse to collect fish while staying away from the jellyfish
Helicopter (11/9)
Helicopter uses arrays to draw birds flying away from the helicopter you control to keep from exploding on the ground
Bullet Bounce (12/15)
Bullet Bounce uses the spacebar to fire an array or bullets and hit an emeny also firing an array of bullets.
Space Odyssey(1/27)
Space Odyssey simulates spacemen floating in space, meteors crashing into the spacemen, and spaceships that take spacemen.
Mole Problem(5/25)
Mole Problem was my final project this year. It uses multiple properties we learned throughout the year to make a dungeon-style game.